- Engage in clear written communication with the school staff stating the problem seen and firmly requesting a meeting at the earliest convenience.
- Always come prepared to provide with potential solutions to suggest to your school staff. This can start a meaningful discussion towards a positive end but be willing to listen and find a solution calmly.
- ·Learn and understand the art of negotiating. Negotiating is not a sign of weakness. Successful negotiation or looking for common ground will allow for goodwill and compromises that work for the benefit of the student in question.
- Respectful behaviour, no matter how hard, will contribute positively to the discussions.
- Being well-informed on the matter and surrounding special education related policies prior to coming to the meeting will help to present a clear perspective on resources to support your child’s needs.
At School Social Stories
Local Autism Support Groups
Parents Engaging Autism Quinte (PEAQ), an autism parent support group, meets once a month on the first Tuesday of the month (no meetings in January, July and August) at Kerry's Place, 189 Victoria Avenue, Belleville at 6:30 to 8 p.m. If you have questions or suggestions for autism topics that are important to you please go to our FaceBook account and post your suggestions so that we can invite appropriate autism professionals to speak at these meetings.
Autism parent support group meeting hosted by Mental Health Agency, Trenton and Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) is on every second Thursday of the month (from September to June) from 6 to 7:30 pm. For more info, please contact Bryanna Best, Special Needs Inclusion Coordinator at 613 392 2811 ext 2076 or email at bryanna.b@trentonmfrc.ca
For info on Community Living Prince Edward County Parent Support group, contact Resource Consultants @ 613 476 6038
Central Hastings Autism Support Group meets in Madoc at the Recreation Centre. Contact Renee O’Hara, Family Resource & Support, 613-966-7413 or Tammy Kavanagh, Family Resource & Support, 613-332-3227
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